
Printing Services

Central Mobile Printing Services


Print any document or web page from your Internet connected device to Central Library's Main Level printer. At that printer, you can release your print job and pay for it.

There is no additional software required. Simply follow these steps:


40 East Anapamu Street
Santa Barbara, CA   93101

Central Library Hours:
Tuesday: 10 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday: 10 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday: 10 AM - 6 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 5:30 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 5:30 PM

Select Printer    Printer
Enter Email    User Info
Select Document    Select Document

 Black and White Duplex / Blanco y Negro Doble Cara
 Black and White single-sided / Paginas en blanco y negro
 Color Duplex/ Color Doble Cara
 Color Single-Sided / Paginas en color

Email address:
Name and Library Card Number:



Black and White Single-Sided= $.25 a page

Color Single Sided= $.50 a page

Black and White Duplex= $.25 per side

Color Duplex= $.50 per side


Your name and library card number are used to uniquely identify your print jobs.

Please enter your information as accurately as possible so staff can identify and provide your printed documents.


Browse your computer files to select the document you wish to print.

You may also enter the URL of a web page you want printed.


How do I print from a mobile device?

How do I print a boarding pass?

What types of files can I print?

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